“Fruits Of Our Labor” 2022-23

The “Fruits of our Labor” Series explores the subject of fruit and its beauty, fun, and vibrant colors. Featuring “The Sun is a Peach”. A fan favorite, inspired by a visual received while meditating on duality, and oneness. “Sweet Summer Refreshments” was also a hit summer of 2023, as they were manufactured into sticker sheets, currently plastered on my laptop (teehee). Sales of the products in this series are no longer available.


This series was so much fun to do, and was just the beginning into my channeled paintings and art productions. I was able to create some of my first prints and stickers out of the pieces in this series which was so exciting, and such a learning experience for me. I was able to vend at my very first art market with the “Orange Blossom” and “Berry Glad” bookmarks, the “Sweet Summer Refreshments” sticker sheets, and framed prints of “The Sun is a Peach”.

It gave me the space to explore different subject matter, like fruits and food. I honestly fell in love with food illustration throughout the process and am still so satisfied with the color compositions of all of these pieces.

“Blueberry Bliss” and “The Sun is a Peach” were the only two channeled pieces here, while everything else was completely playful. Let me know if you would like a resurgence of these products this summer!


Meditations on Chakras 2024


"The Oracles" 2023