Spring Paper Flowers 2024
Paper flowers 🌸🌷
Growing up, Easter was always such a fun holiday for me. My mom always made it special with fun activities like egg dyeing, Easter egg hunting, and Easter bunny legends topping it all off with the the magic of Easter bunny evidence through bunny foot prints on cardboard. She always took the time to keep our imaginations and creativity running wild during these holidays. To keep the magic going, but also putting my own spin on things, I decided to collaborate with her this year for my nieces, creating a super fun garden themed craft party!
For this party, I took some of the crafts I’d been doing with the kids at work (I work in an after school program) and taught them to my nieces as well. We made miniature paper flowers, and painted flower pots. Did some coloring, and all that fun stuff but I really wanted to document my process of making these giant paper flowers for decor. Here’s how they turned out
This process was a lot of trial and error, and in the end they only stood straight for a couple of minutes before toppling over (they were a bit too heavy), but I learned so much in the process and overall I had fun! Here’s how I did it
So first, I cut out these heart/ petal shapes from some craft paper I got from the dollar tree. Mostly all of these materials are from the dollar tree and Walmart. We love crafting for the low.
Next, I painted the edges different colors. I love mixing complimentary colors like the pink and the blue. That color combination screams pixie hollow, fairy core so much to me. This was honestly my favorite part of the whole process.
Then, I folded the petals like a fan alternating each section back and forth. This added some texture and dimension.
Now here’s where I’m pretty sure I went wrong. I used some old water bottles for the centers of the flowers and wrapped them in crepe streamer paper. I thought the opening at the end of the water bottle would make for easier insertion of the “stems” but overall it ended up making them way too top heavy. If I were to do this process again I would definitely eliminate this step and just begin to wrap the petals around the stem sticks on their own. I’m sure this would create more stability and probably a more natural look.
For the stems I just bought balloon sticks and covered them with the green streamer paper using hot glue and green duct tape. I’d recommend solely using the duct tape because I’m sure the hot glue would melt right through the plastic of the balloon sticks. I’m honestly shocked this didn’t happen to me lol but I added a few layers of the paper, so that may have helped. Once the petals were on the stems I cut out some leaf shapes from green poster paper, and arranged them the most natural way that I could. I know tepals and sepals aren’t usually aligned perfectly on a stem.
I’d recommend sticking them into pots with soil in them already as this helped a lot when it came to stability. Plus it gave it a more whimsical look, truly something out of a tinker bell movie ✨🌸
The kids ended up loving these so much, and all of the crafts as well, I’m so pleased with how this whole thing turned out and I can’t wait for more craft days to come 😌